We are the Falinge Family: a school with a heart and soul.
A school where the importance of well-being is always considered.

Mrs O’Reilly
We aim to be a fully inclusive school.
Our core purpose is to secure the best academic and personal outcomes for all pupils and instil a life-long love of learning. This will ensure that all learners believe in themselves and their future, have choices and the power to make them and are able to contribute positively to society.
Empowering all to: Aspire, Thrive, and Achieve



and we do this through

To want something very much, hope to achieve an aim
All pupils aspire to high expectations for their personal conduct, behaviour and learning. This begins with the notion that individuals are responsible for their own behaviour and should learn to self-regulate so that they become independent and contribute positively to society. They will be motivated through high levels of challenge both academically and personally. Pupils’ positive attitude will engender an atmosphere which encourages them towards success in every aspect of their school life and beyond.
To grow, develop, flourish and be your best self
Pupils are responsible for creating a supportive environment which enables all to thrive. This includes promoting and maintaining positive relationships characterised by mutual respect, trust, cooperation and care. They will be highly motivated to maximise every opportunity to learn and ensure an environment where others can do the same. This starts with ensuring that the classroom and corridors are safe places in which pupils feel confident to express themselves, celebrate the diversity of others and participate fully in school life. Compassion for all will be promoted through tutor time and interpersonal relationships.


To succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort
Pupils are expected to achieve every day and will maximise every opportunity to learn. They will build habits that ensure success through increasing resilience, reasoning and personal agency. Pupils will understand the importance of ‘having a go’, accepting that we learn as much from our failures as from our successes. This will lead to feelings of competence and a sense of pride in their own and others’ achievements, recognising that success looks different for different people in our Falinge Family.
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